Bad hand Development

Davis Log: Bed hands Development

Version: Demo 0.1.0 Author: [Mr_gogo]


This log documents the development progress and key features for the survival game, currently in demo phase. Players utilize both hands to gather items and explore the environment, providing a unique gameplay experience.

Key Features Implemented in Demo:

  1. Dual-Hand Mechanics:
    • Players can control two hands independently, allowing for a more immersive interaction with the environment.
    • Hand animations are implemented for various actions, including picking up, throwing, and using items.
  2. Item Gathering System:
    • A selection of collectible items is available, including food, tools, and crafting materials.
    • Items are distributed throughout the demo environment to encourage exploration.
  3. Exploration Mechanics:
    • Players can navigate different terrains (forest, mountains) within the demo, facing unique environmental challenges.
    • Introduced a mini-map feature to aid in navigation.
  4. Survival Elements:
    • Players must manage their hunger and health, with different food items offering varying effects.
    • A basic crafting system allows players to create tools and shelter using gathered resources.
  5. User Interface:
    • Developed a simple UI for inventory management and indicators for health and hunger.
    • Tooltips provide descriptions for items and crafting recipes.

Challenges Faced:

  • Hand Coordination: Ensuring responsive controls for the dual-hand mechanic was a challenge, requiring multiple iterations to achieve a smooth gameplay experience.
  • Balancing Resource Availability: Finding the right balance between resource scarcity and abundance is essential for maintaining a challenging yet enjoyable experience.

Next Steps:

  1. Demo Feedback Collection:
    • Gather feedback from demo players to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Enhance Environmental Interactions:
    • Explore options for more complex interactions (e.g., climbing, swimming) based on feedback.
  3. Expand Item Variety:
    • Introduce new items and crafting recipes to enrich the gameplay experience.
  4. AI Development:
    • Begin integrating enemy AI to introduce threats and challenges during exploration.


The demo phase of the survival game is progressing well, showcasing foundational mechanics that highlight the dual-hand feature. Player feedback will be critical for refining gameplay and expanding content as we move forward.


bad hands demo 21 MB
1 day ago

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